Terima Kasih pada Syura yg sudi bg award ni kat saya.tak pernah dapat award dr sesaper...terima kasih bebanyak ye...ni link syura:
Seperti yg disyaratkan, untuk award ini saya mestilah:
1- Thank & link the person that gave you the award
2- Pass the award onto 15 bloggers you've recently discovered & think are fantastic
3- Contact said blogs & let them know they've won the award
4- State 7 things about yourself
7 benda pasal diri saya:
1- suka baking membaking
2- suka melukis
3- minat seni kra x kira dr benda yg boleh dimakan atau tidak
4- minat sukan bermotor
5- suka makan angin
6- favourite food ...pizza...
7- suka mencuba benda baru..terutamanya kalau ada benda baru je pasal baking membaking ni, saya suka untuk cuba...
15 bloggers yg saya nk bg award ni ialah:
1- http://citarasawan.blogspot.com/
2- http://yummylicious-jun.blogspot.com/
3- http://sue-hasue.blogspot.com/
4- http://elianashomemadecake.blogspot.com/
5- http://littlestorecraft.blogspot.com/
6- http://ayulicious-cakes.blogspot.com/
7- http://anrdelights.blogspot.com/
8- http://oyisbabyjourney.blogspot.com/
9- http://anismagicfingers.blogspot.com/
10- http://marsha-marshashahirnnia.blogspot.com/
11- http://mamatierakitchen.blogspt.com/
12- http://batrisyiadelightscake.blogspot.com/
13- http://nashwacake.blogspot.com/
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